Wednesday, September 16, 2009

April LeMaire - Worship Painter

April LeMaire worshiped God by painting as Joel Engle sang at the "Be Amazed" Christian (Methodist) Youth Rally at Ocean City, Maryland on January 6, 2007. April was painting under rather unusual conditions, since she had badly broken her collar bone, six days before the rally. April painted TWO paintings that day. She is to be commended for her devotion to her work and to her God. She had to be in quite a bit of pain that day.

April LeMaire is now attending college in Charleston, South Carolina. She plans to pursue a career in which she can use her God-given talents to praise His name. You can view more of her worship art at her web site:

More info here:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Vaarumaiya Podhagarae

Tamil Christian song sung by Michaels Children Home. Its so beautiful to see these children sing so beautifully in perfect harmony. The music will really move you!
Used with permission.